Lisneal College in the Waterside
She was speaking after Education Minister Paul Givan was questioned by the Assembly on how this funding decision was made.
Ms McLaughlin said: “The failure of the Education Minister to answer simple questions on how this funding was allocated is symbolic of an Executive which has done its best to avoid proper scrutiny and accountability.
“Whilst the Minister has stated that the money was awarded due to health and safety concerns associated with the football pitch, I would argue that there are children who are being forced to learn in buildings which are not fit for purpose and pose immediate safety concerns.
“In particular, the Minister was unable to explain to me why his department had not properly communicated that the funding requirement for a minor works project had been raised by 100%.
“There is particular concern around this issue as on the department’s website it states that any project that costs more than £500k should be considered a major project.
“Schools need clarity on funding and it is disappointing the Minister was unable to provide this today.
“I also completely reject attempts by the Minister to make questions around this funding into a political issue.
“I believe that every school should have equal access to funding and that this funding should be allocated based on need – nothing less.
“I have also engaged positively with Lisneal throughout my time in politics and have often praised the school and the work of the leadership team.
“The Minister’s inability to answer my questions is not only extremely disappointing but a slap in the face to all the schools in Derry that have been denied funding in the past decade.
“Our children deserve better and I will continue to demand fairness and transparency in the funding of our schools.”