Altnagelvin hospital worker and former People Before Profit Councillor Maeve O’Neill on strike in Feb 2023
Ms. O’Neill was responding to the current increase in hospital pressures including “corridor care”.
“The First Minister and Health Minister pay lip service to the NHS crisis,” said Ms O’Neill.
“We experience unrelenting pressures on health and social care services from decades of underfunding and privatisation coupled with a massive rise in flu cases. It’s a perfect storm.
“Winter pressures are the norm, resulting from government failings, despite trade unions, patients and trusts sounding the alarm.
“Michelle O’Neill and Mike Nesbitt acknowledge the crisis but actions they propose will drive more privatisation to compound the crisis.
“Years of austerity from Westminster has been implemented by the Stormont Executive.
“Health and Social Care workers are underpaid, safe staffing has never been addressed and privatisation siphons off vital funds into profits instead of patient care.
“The brilliance of the workforce is the only thing keeping it going.
“Hospital pressures cannot be addressed without addressing social care. We do not have enough home carers because of low pay.
“Most home care services are privatised and at capacity.
“People who need a nursing or residential place wait weeks and months, blocking hospital beds.
“Those caring for loved ones in their homes are not properly supported, often without pay.
“There is more than enough money to fund a world class health service. There’s billions to bankroll the private sector, as they pluck apart public amenities, and infinite amounts of money for war.
“The underlying diagnosis for the NHS crisis is too much capitalism, privatisation and profiteering. It can only be rebuilt through a return to its founding socialist principles.
“We need people power, with trade unions and ordinary people, to save our health and social care service,” she added.