The new bakery at Ebrington
The bakery is situated next to the Peace Tree by nationally renowned artist, Maurice Harron, and a replica of the metal oak tree is displayed on the shopfront.
Limited detail is available about the bakery, but an Executive Office (TEO) brochure says: “An established retailer has received planning permission to develop this building as a bakery, convenience and ice cream parlour.
“Internal fit-out works are on-going. The building is scheduled to open for business in mid-March 2022.”
The Executive Office is responsible for the regeneration of Ebrington, a 29-acre site on the east riverfront in the Waterside area.
Progress has been painfully slow since the former military base was handed back to the city from the Ministry of Defence in 2003.
However, with the positive announcement at the turn of the year that a 152-bed hotel is expected to be completed by summer 2023, there is renewed hope the site could yet realise its potential.
The £15million development includes £7.25million through the NI Investment Fund and £1.75million from Invest NI.
The project will transform five buildings on the Ebrington site, including the Clock Tower, into four star accommodation with spa and leisure facilities. It will not only bring customers to the site but 120 new jobs – workers who will also support surrounding businesses.
The Walled City Brewery, which is based at the Ebrington site, is currently expanding and has welcomed the economic boost a hotel will bring.
Twelve buildings are currently occupied at Ebrington, 14 buildings are under construction (nine projects), with four buildings (two projects) pending completion of business case or legal processes.
A Grade ‘A’ office is currently under construction above the existing underground car park and is expected to open in May 2022. It has the potential to accommodate up to 400 staff.
A second office building is planned for the site immediately adjacent to the building, with work earmarked to start in June 2022.

Stormont ministers were joined by developers Cecil Doherty and Liam Tourish at the sod cutting in January this year. Pic by Kelvin Boyes/Press Eye
“It is a destination regionally and nationally, and – perhaps most importantly – on the global map,” Paul Givan said.
Michelle O’Neill added: “We have made great progress in the development of the Ebrington site and, together with the Grade A Office space due to be completed soon, this new hotel will bring a renewed vibrancy and a real boost to the regional economy.”