Seán Rooney and Holly McConnellogue, his fiancee, were due to marry in August 2023
The Fianna Fail leader met with the Lebanese foreign affairs minister Abdallah Bou Habib whom he said share Irish “concerns for justice” on the murder of the Irish peacekeeper.
A spokesperson for Minister Martin said the Lebanese side told the Tánaiste “they shared our concerns for justice. There is judicial independence”.
“We are very, very concerned. We want justice to be done.
“We want those who committed the crime, killing Sean Rooney and injuring other Irish soldiers, we want these people brought to justice.

Private Seán Rooney was killed in December 2022 in south Lebanon: he had been in the army for four years. Photograph: Defence Forces
The Irish Government is not happy with the pace of the Lebanese investigation into Pte Rooney’s death in December 2022.
Although born in Dundalk, Private Rooney spent his later years in Donegal and attended St Eunan’s College in Letterkenny.
He is buried at All Saints Catholic Church in Newtowncunningham.
Tanaiste Martin met with Irish peacekeepers in Camp Shamrock in Southern Lebanon on Sunday.
Seán’s fiancée, Holly Mc Connellogue from Derry, said she was “absolutely honoured” to have been afforded three wonderful years with him.
The couple met three years ago in Derry and planned to marry in August 2023.
“I am absolutely heartbroken that our life together has been cut short, but I feel extremely lucky to have experienced that person and love,” Holly wrote in a tribute read by Parish Priest Fr Derek Ryan at Sean’s heart-breaking funeral in December 2022.