An overview of Buncrana Road
Work on the project was paused last year to allow for the completion of the North West Transport Plan (NWPT).
In response to an Assembly Question submitted by Mr Durkan on the NWPT, considered an integral element of the A2 Buncrana Road, Minister O’Dowd stated that a public consultation will take begin May 2024.
The MLA for Foyle said: “The Minister’s response to my enquiries has been very vague, people have been told that the A2 project ‘might happen’ for over 50 years, strung along on empty promises.
“People need and deserve certainty from the department. There has been huge recent development in this area with more development planned.
“This coupled with upcoming road closures in Coshquin and Whitehouse, will see more traffic diverted to and using the Buncrana Road, which will exacerbate existing issues.
“I’m not sure why this project is being drawn out or why it’s going out for yet another public consultation.
“There have already been two consultations during my time as an elected representative. Yes, it’s important that this project is done right but it’s also important that we get it done.
“People feel that they’ve been led up the garden path. The need for action has increased year on year. We want concrete proposals, not cagey promises.
“I have written to the Minister for Transport in the South, Eamon Ryan TD, asking him to explore the possibility of the Irish government co-funding this scheme that will reduce travel times, congestion, pollution and risk on this busy cross border route.”