Stephanie McGuinness, NWRC Curriculum Manager for Health, Michelle Breslin, Compliance and Admissions Manager NWRC, Joe Porteous, Curriculum Manager for Crafts, John Cartin, Deputy Head of Training and Skills at NWRC, Orlaith McEleney, Skills Development Officer for All Age Apprenticeships and Helen McGonigal, Higher Level Apprenticeship Skills Development Officer pictured with Tiling Apprentice Reece McCallion and Corey Sweeney Cullen, Painting and Decorating Apprentice to launch a series of events at NWRC for Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Week.
Beginning on Monday, February 5, and running until Thursday, February 8, the College’s campuses in Derry, Strabane, and Limavady will be showcasing the opportunities available locally through Apprenticeships, Traineeships, and Higher-Level Apprenticeships.
Dr. Catherine O’Mullan, Director of Curriculum and Academic Standards at NWRC said: “NI Apprenticeship Week is a highlight for the College every year, and for 2024 we have arranged a series of events which illustrate the diverse range of opportunities across all of our campuses in the North West.
“We are very proud of our successful history in delivering employer-focused Apprenticeship programmes to our students and we continue to offer these opportunities while always keeping up with new technologies to offer a modern curriculum.
“This year, for the first time, NWRC is delivering All Age Apprenticeships which provide opportunities for more people to embark on a career of their choice.
“I would encourage people of all ages (16 +) who would like to either return or commence training to attend our events during the week to find out about the opportunities for earning while you learn.
“Additionally, NWRC offers post A-level, Leaving Certificate, and Level 3 students the opportunity to enrol on Higher Level Apprenticeships (HLAs), a unique work-based programme, which enables participants to earn while they learn and gain a nationally recognised higher-level qualification.
“Successful candidates will be employed in a company relevant to their chosen profession to gain valuable experience over a 2 or 3-year period.”
The first day of events during Apprenticeship week begins in Strabane campus with a focus on women in Construction and Engineering (3.00-8.00 pm), as well as an information session and demonstration on Dental Nursing (6.00-8.00 pm)
On Tuesday, February 6, an Apprenticeship Employers Coffee Morning will be held at Strand Road Campus from 9.30 – 11.30 a.m.
During the event attendees will be given an overview of NWRC Higher Level Apprenticeship provision, All Age Apprenticeships, Employer feedback, Apprentice testimonials, engagement with professional curriculum experts and a question-and-answer session will take place.
On Wednesday February 7, Greystone Campus in Limavady will host a Diversity and Inclusion event from 3.00-8.00 p.m. when David McCay, Skills Competition Diversity Champion on hand to explain how the NWRC Apprenticeship model supports young people from all backgrounds on their Apprenticeship journey.
The final event is on Thursday February 8 from 3:00PM – 8:00PM at Springtown campus showcasing practical demonstrations across a range of Professional and Technical areas currently on offer across the college campuses including Traineeships L2 & L3 Apprenticeships and Higher Level Apprenticeships.
The theme of this showcase will also focus on All Age Apprenticeships with a number of apprentices available on site along with the college All Age Apprenticeship coordinator Orlaith McEleney with information on the opportunities available for over 25s.
At each event there will be opportunities to speak to staff, visit the application zone, and seek advice from the NWRC Careers team, the Learning Link, and Employment Liaison officers.
For your free ticket please visit: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/north-west-regional-college/apprentice-week-2024-at-nwrc/e-ldrpbd