SDLP Foyle MLA Mark H Durkan
Speaking on Carers Week 5-11 June 2023, the Foyle MLA said: “Unpaid carers face barriers every day and many of these individuals are struggling to meet household bills on an already tight budget.
“A reduced fee at council leisure facilities is a small token but would help support unpaid carers to improve their physical and mental well-being in a life outside of caring.
“I’ve written to Derry City & Strabane District Council asking for a reduced fee for both carers and pensioners, who face similar barriers in a woefully inadequate welfare system.
“Pleased to learn that a work is underway to establish a new pricing policy which could be agreed by the Health and Community Committee later this month, as well as compiling a list of concessions or low cost activities for certain groups.”
Mr Durkan added: “Taking on the role as carer for a loved one can take a significant toll on individual’s finances as well as their mental health.
“The number of unpaid carers is set to rise in the years ahead given our growing ageing population.
“We need to be proactive to support carers properly- this provision is a small but important one, the SDLP will continue to work to put carers at the heart of reforms around adult social care and push for the introduction of a Carers Strategy to invest in services and support system for carers.
“The work of carers often goes unseen, under appreciated. They must be rewarded accordingly and supported for the job they do.”