People Before Profit Ballyarnett representative Damien Doherty
“The Department of Health announcement of a new contractor to take on GP services at Racecourse Medical Centre will come as a very welcome relief for the nearly 5000 patients depending on it.
“People Before Profit first and foremost commend Medical Centre staff and local residents who made their voices heard that the service must continue.
“We are proud to have played a role in amplifying residents voices and in building people power action that was the key in putting pressure on Department officials to find a solution.
“Behind the scenes manoeuvering by establishment parties typically didn’t deliver.
“The GP service crisis is part of a bigger threat to our health service, brought about because the main Stormont parties have focused on health privatisation, outsourcing and cutting pay for two decades.
“GP services in other areas, including Bridge Street, remain under threat.
“We need to build grassroots campaigning from the bottom up to protect GP services and save our NHS.”