Business Development Manager at NWRC Sinead Hawkins says the college is currently recruiting ‘Future Leaders’ for a new Graduate Management programme. (pic Martin McKeown)
NWRC Business Skills Manager, Sinead Hawkins explained: ‘’This newly developed programme will run for 22 weeks and will commence in November.
“We are looking for applicants with a minimum of a degree.
“Successful applicants will be placed with an employer for 30 hours per week and will be matched by their CV and career aspirations.
“They will also complete a business or service improvement project and receive a weekly training allowance of £150.
‘’As well as gaining valuable industry experience with a view to securing employment, successful applicants will work towards a Level 5 Leadership and Management qualification which is supported by 4 hours of online training per week through NWRC.’’
The Graduate Management Programme is fully funded by the Department for the Economy’s Skills Intervention Programme and is in collaboration with the other Further Education Colleges in Northern Ireland.
For more information and to apply online please visit, http://www.nwrc.ac.uk/future-leaders-graduate-programme/
The closing date for applications is Monday, October 26 at 5 pm.