Sinn Fein Foyleside councillor Mickey Cooper
He made his appeal after the decision was made to close the park early at 8 pm to try and stop ongoing incidents there.
Said Councillor Cooper: “I have been dealing with several complaints from residents who are angry following a number of incidents of anti-community activity at the Glen play park.
“There has been damage done to the fence at the park and a number of locks have been broken, the contents of waste bins have been thrown all around the park.
“Groups of up to fifteen young people have been gathering there and setting off fireworks to the great annoyance of residents and also distressing family pets.
“We all understand young people need to have somewhere to go but like all things that comes with a responsibility and a need to respect the park and their neighbours.
“The park will now close at 8 pm.
“If any residents see incidents happening there they should contact me ,the community wardens or the police.