Rubbish strewn on steps in Fahan Street area
She made the call after being contacted by residents and people who would use the busy Bogside walkway with complaints about the continuing amount of rubbish strewn across the steps.
Said Cllr Logue: “This is a very busy area used by residents and people going into our city centre on a daily basis.
“Just going to look at the steps it is clear very quickly the amount of rubbish, broken glass on the steps and strewn across the walkway between homes in Joseph Place and Rossville Street.
“As well as trying to keep the area clean for local residents it’s also important to acknowledge its proximity to the Bloody Sunday memorial.
“I have asked the Housing Executive to place the Fahan Streets steps area on a permanent rota for clean-ups.
“Hopefully, this will alleviate some of the problems and if any residents have any other issues affecting them to feel free to contact me.”