Sinn Fein Foyleside councillor Mickey Cooper
Said Councillor Cooper said: “I was contacted at the weekend by residents who were angry that a substantial amount of rubbish had been dumped in the Marianus Glen area.
“I have asked the Councils waste enforcement team to visit Marianus Glen and to examine the fly tipping for evidence of the those involved.
“I have also arranged for the removal of items at Argyle Terrace /Cedar Street which will hopefully be removed by the end of this week.
“I remind people that there is now in place a new bespoke COVID-19 Waste Support Service and Helpline set up by Derry City and Strabane District Council .
“The helpline will assist in providing advice and assistance to the public with excess household waste as a result from staying at home during the current pandemic.
“The new helpline number – 02871 376 590 – and will deal solely with the increasing requests from the public regarding excess refuse.
“It will be manned by a dedicated team of Council staff, Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, who will process and categorise all calls.”