The haul of counterfeit sports goods and Kylie make up products seized by police in Derry
POLICE have hailed a seconded police officer to a neighbourhood team in Derry in helping to put a fake trade out of business and seize his illegal booty.
In a posting on PSNI Foyle’s Facebook page, an officer wrote: “From time to time within the police officers get the chance to experience other roles and departments.
“Here at Ballyarnett NPT we are saying goodbye to a colleague who is returning to LPT (Local Policing Team) after a short spell with us.
“Within the neighbourhood teams we pride ourselves on local knowledge and knowing when something is just not right in our patch.
“During these secondment opportunities we hope to pass on this style of policing to other officers.
“This particular officer was keen and on the same page from the off.
“By the end of her time with us she detected a male selling ropey goods in breach of Trade Mark legislation in one of our hot spot areas.
“I was told it was clear something was up when the male parked at the far end of the car park even though it was raining.
“But to add to this he went into a bakery and a chip shop and left each without buying a nice bun or a big bag of healthy spuds!
“After a bit of dancing about the male returned to his car to face the music.
“Due to the circumstances police searched and located fake sports gear and Kylie make up products.
“Police never know what is coming next and go where the evidence takes us. We do not believe the items seized have been tested or meet any recommended standards.
“The male now has some unhappy customers and will be reported for counterfeit and Trade Mark offences,” the post concluded.