Republican prisoner Tony Taylor incarcerated in Maghaberry prison
SINN Féin Foyle MLA, Raymond McCartney has called on people to attend the march and rally for Tony Taylor taking place in Derry on Sunday.
Mr Taylor had his licence revoked and was sent back to jail on the word of a secret MI5 briefing document.
His legal team has argued that he should be brought before the judge who sentenced him at Belfast Crown Court to allow him to make a determination on the MI5 briefing document.
A recent Parole Commissioner hearing in Belfast into his case was held in camera and all those who attended were banned from discussing what was said at the proceedings.
At the time his licence was revoked in March 2016 and returned to Maghaberrry prison, the Northern Ireland Office claimed he “posed a risk to the public”.
Republican Network for Unity (RNU) said the decision to incarcerate its ard chomhairle member was an attack on the organisation.
Raymond McCartney said: “Tony Taylor was returned to prison in Maghaberry Prison at the behest of the previous British Secretary of State Theresa Villiers, without having been charged, questioned or allowed legal representation.
“Sinn Féin has consistently stated that if evidence exists to show that Tony Taylor is a risk to the public it should be put before him and his legal team in open court so this can be challenged.
“His continued detention is a violation of fundamental human rights and subversion of due process. 7
“It is a form of legalised interment by remand and a denial of natural justice.
“Sinn Féin representatives have continuously raised this matter with the British Secretary of State and most recently, Elisha McCallion MP raised the matter with the British Prime Minister, Theresa May.
“I am calling on everyone who supports human rights to join the march on Sunday assembling at 2.30 pm at the Brandywell Grotto.”