Cllr Patricia Logue.
Recently released figures which show almost half the children in the Brandywell ward in Derry were living in poverty proved the need for opposition to Tory welfare cuts, Sinn Fein Cllr Patricia Logue has said.
Cllr Logue was speaking after the End Child Poverty report published with new figures which showed that in the Brandywell Ward before housing costs 31.44% and after housing costs 48.72% of children are living in poverty.
Cllr Logue said the figures “once again” highlighted fears in the city that any proposed Tory cuts would have on children, not only living in the Brandywell ward, but throughout the city and across the north.
She added: “Child poverty cannot be seen in isolation of the overall poverty that affects families.
“We all know the impact that poverty can have on a child’s life chances and there will never be equality of opportunity for all children unless we tackle poverty and disadvantage.
“Growing numbers of people are joining us in the campaign against these proposed cuts as they realise the devastating impact they would have across a wide range of benefits.
“Benefits many people need just to get by day to day ,keep them in work ,put food on the table or pay fuel bills.”
Cllr Logue concluded: Sinn Féin is very clear in our opposition to the welfare cuts agenda of the Tory-led coalition which would punish the poor and the most vulnerable in our society.”