The former St Peter’s High School site where the 127 houses are to be built.
Planning approval has been granted for 127 social housing units at the former St. Peter’s High School site on the outskirts of Derry’s Creggan estate.
The residential development will comprise of six four-bedroom houses, 63 three-bedroom houses, 30 two-bedroom houses, 28 one-bedroom apartments, new access and associated site works.
Announcing the planning approval, Environment Minister Mark H Durkan said the development was a “good news story” for the city as it would provided much needed social housing in an area that has been identified as having an acute shortage.
Mr Durkan added: “The project also provides specifically designed, disabled access friendly units to meet the complex needs of members of the local community.
“This development regenerates a former school site and will bring much needed local jobs and investment to the area. Decisions like this show how planning can help create win wins for the local community and the economy.”
The approval has been welcomed by Sinn Féin representative for the area, Cllr Kevin Campbell.
He said the houses would provide quality homes for 127 families and he looked forward to see the project starting in the coming months.”
Cllr Campbell added: “There is a dire need for new homes to meet the current housing need in the city so the news today that planning permission for 127 new homes has been granted has to be welcomed.
“I campaigned for the derelict St Peters school to be demolished and replaced with social housing as it had become a site of anti social activity so I am delighted that not only will the community get new homes but it will utilise the entire site.”
Cllr Campbell concluded: “I am calling on the Minister to ensure that social clauses are built into the construction contract so that local people can benefit from job opportunities and young people may access apprenticeships.”