Sinn Fein MLA Raymond McCartney.
The people of Derry have been called on take part in a Day of Action against Tory welfare cuts taking place in the city today.
The call comes from Foyle Sinn Fein MLA Raymond McCartney ahead of the unveiling of a “Stop Tory Cuts” billboard at Free Derry Corner at 1.00pm.
The Day of Action is the latest in a series of initiatives by Sinn Féin to give people an opportunity to voice their opposition to welfare cuts.
Party activists will be on the streets of cities, towns and villages across the North explaining their opposition to the cuts agenda and collecting signatures for a “Stop Tory Cuts” petition.
Mr McCartney said: “Growing numbers of people are realising the devastating impact Tory welfare cuts would have on all communities.
“The cuts proposed by a cabinet of Tory millionaires would punish the poor, unemployed, those on low incomes and people with disabilities.”
He concluded: “We in Sinn Féin are totally opposed to this attack on the most vulnerable in our society.”