As the summer holiday season arrives, police in Derry are offering some timely advice to householders who may be about to set off for a well-deserved break.
They say that preventing crime is a year-round activity and something that everyone can get involved in, and add that now is a good time to action to protect your property.
Mandy Monteith, the Crime Prevention Officer for the area, said criminals were currently on the lookout for easy opportunities to steal, with popular items such as computers, cameras, and games consoles all high on their illegal shopping list.
Currently, jewellery is proving to be in demand by the thieves and cash is, of course, always acceptable to them.
CPO Monteith said added while criminals remain active, it was important householders took “sensible precautions” to deter those involved in this type of crime.

PSNI Crime Prevention Officer Mandy Monteith.
She added: “Crime prevention doesn’t have to be expensive; indeed the first step costs nothing and involves nothing more than making sure that all the windows and doors are closed and properly locked, each time you leave your house unattended.
“If you are going on holiday, cutting the grass, cancelling milk and paper deliveries and, if you have glass front door, asking a relative or trusted friend to lift the mail so that it cannot be seen piled up on the floor are other measures that cost very little but help to create a scene that implies you are still at home.
“Making use of timer switches is another inexpensive way to give your house that ‘lived-in’ look, not only when you are away on holiday, but each time you go out after dark. Remember to use the timer switches to turn lights on in rooms that would normally be occupied when you are at home.
“A single hall light or an unlit house with an outside light on is a bit of a give-away and will not go unnoticed. For added effect why not use a timer to switch on a radio?
“Consider the benefits of fitting a burglar alarm, and once installed don’t forget to set it before you go out. An alarm can also be useful when you are at home and can be used to thwart ‘creeper burglars’ who break in while you are asleep.
“Setting appropriate zones of the alarm system when you retire at night will alert you the presence of an intruder and will deter them from venturing any further.
“Keeping your car keys with you in the bedroom will also help to prevent burglars driving off in your car in the middle of the night.
“Looking after your belongings is what it is all about, and it is a good idea to keep a note of serial numbers, and to indelibly mark your property in a way that makes it unique to you.
“This makes it more difficult for criminals to re-sell your possessions, and it also makes it easier to identify your property in the event it is stolen and subsequently recovered.
“Do not forget garages and sheds. Put your bicycles in them and lock them securely, and if you cannot put ladders inside a building, chain and lock them to something secure.
“Being a good neighbour is again something that costs nothing but is one of the best deterrents, as criminals and thieves can’t operate if they know their every move is being watched.
“As it only takes a few minutes to commit a burglary, the importance of promptly reporting of all suspicious activity to the police should be obvious.
“Local residents are best placed to know what activity is out of the ordinary, so if you see a stranger in your street write down a good description of the person, or if it is a suspicious vehicle take a note of the make, model, colour, and registration number.
“Better still if you have a mobile phone with a camera, take a picture, but do not place yourself at risk to do so.
“We welcome the opportunity to check out such reports so if you notice something that isn’t quite right don’t hesitate to get in touch,” she said.
For further crime prevention advice on this or any other subject contact the local CPO on the police non-emergency number 101.